This past weekend, we traveled to San Diego for Amy and Bill’s wedding. As an added bonus, we got to see my friends Courtney and Harlan and stay with them for a few days.
We left after work on Thursday. I love flying west! We left Charlotte at 6:30 and landed in San Diego at 8:30, not bad! On Friday morning we got up and met John’s Uncle Walt and Aunt Judy for breakfast. They live in Escondido so we met them there, had breakfast at a diner and went back to their house to visit a bit before we had to go.

On the way out, we discovered the best beverage store ever, BevMo. In NC, all the liquor stores are state run and only sell liquor, so basically if you are having a party, you need to go to the grocery store for wine and beer and the ABC store for liquor. Well in California, if you are having a party, all you need to do is go to BevMo! They had quite an extensive selection of beer and all kinds of liquor and wine too. The best part was that they also stocked anything you would need for a party from paper plates to caviar and imported cheeses. We bought some champagne and some different beers for John to try.
Then we headed back to meet Courtney and went for a hike in Torrey Pines. It was so nice to see water and the 80 degree weather wasn’t so bad either. We had been having rainy and gloomy weather in Charlotte so it was nice to escape that for a bit. And of course I was anxious to get a workout in after flying 5 hours the day before.

Last time we were in California, I introduced John to In-N-Out so this time it was a must for lunch. Gotta love the menu, so simple and cheap!

I get the cheeseburger protein style so you get 2 wedges of lettuce for the bun instead of the bread. Yum! After that, we went to Courtney’s office to eat lunch and were planning on laying out in the afternoon at her pool. Until I got a text that there was a cocktail party for the wedding that I didn’t know anything about, so a quick change of plans and we were headed down to Hillcrest area for a cocktail party given by Amy’s mom. I really hate surprises, I have to have everything planned out, so this really threw me off, but I recovered and was glad we went.

For dinner, we had plans to go to Fidel’s Little Mexico with Courtney and Harlan, so we headed back north on “the 5” (sorry John) and ate yummy Mexican food. With all that driving around, it’s a good thing we had this trusty vehicle to get us around!

Seriously, what is the classification of this? Not an SUV, not a wagon, but not a crossover either? Hmmm... maybe a 4 door hatchback? I’ll stick with that for now.
Courtney put us up in her adorable guest house, isn't it cute?

And I had to get some pictures of the flowers around her yard too.

Saturday, Michigan State was playing Northwestern (Court’s alma mater) so we had plans to watch the game together. The game came on at 9 am pacific time so mimosas were in order. John quickly got into his element

and I quickly got into mine

After the game, it was time to say bye to Courtney and Harlan and head to Hillcrest to get ready for Amy’s wedding. On the way, we stopped by
Pinkberry. It was as delicious as I imagined it to be. Once John discovered that they had Cap'n Crunch as a topping option, he decided to get some too.

Amy had a small wedding, only 1 bridesmaid (her sister) but she asked a few of us to be there when the photographer was coming at 3:30, so I took my camera along and snapped some pics of the gorgeous bride before she walked down the aisle.

The wedding was so fun! Got to see some old friends and enjoyed celebrating with everyone! Allison and I even managed to find some real wedding crashers and get them kicked out. I can’t believe that people actually do that! They have probably never had to pay for a wedding before and realize how much it is per person to buy a drink package, but we weren’t going to let it happen to our girl! Enjoy the pics, and take note of the fog in the background of the second picture. Should have been a clue that we might have travel problems in the morning, but no. We were up at 4:30, for our 6:00 am flight out, only to realize that no planes could land the previous night because of the fog. There were no planes at the airport! So we had to wait until 9 to get out, and made it home after 7. Spent 12 hours either flying or at airports on Sunday, no wonder I am feeling a little sickly