Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 21: Banana

Dear Bun,

Here we are at 21 weeks, we are now at the point where we are counting DOWN until the due date!  As for your weekly development, you are now swallowing amniotic fluid and can taste a difference in what I eat.  Bun, this is perfect timing because this week is Thanksgiving, so at least you can enjoy it a little too :)  I have heard that what I eat forms your preference for certain foods when you are older, so moms that ate lots of spicy foods, have kids that like spicy foods, etc.  It will be interesting to see if that holds true for you too.  You are still moving alot and quite active.  Your arms and legs are finally in proportion so your movements are becoming more coordinated.  I still feel you move throughout the day, but John has not been able to feel from the outside yet.

Last week, we cleared out the room we had planned for the nursery, but once I got everything out of the room, we realized that the furniture we have picked out will not fit, so I had to switch everything over again on Monday night.  This way, you will have a bigger room, so there will be more room to play on the floor when you are older, and the furniture will fit better.  Speaking of furniture, we made our first big nursery purchase today, we got a rocker/glider for the nursery.  I am excited to rock you and start reading to you.  Your grandmother (my mom) was a reading teacher, so I think I inherited a love of children's books from her.  I am excited to start building your book collection.  When I was little, I had so many books, but I made my mom read the same one to me every night: Goodnight Moon.  I will get a copy for you so we can see if you like it as much as I did!

I had to take my weekly bump pic in a different spot this time because it was dark and the lighting in the front room is bad.  Right behind me are 2 bedrooms, yours will be on the right, and the guest room will be on the left.  Your room is still empty now, but I will share pictures when everything comes together.



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