You are 2 months old now! We had your 2 month checkup last week, and you weighed 11 lbs 14.5 oz and were 23.5 inches long. Dr. Cross was pleased with your growth and says you are growing right on track! You also had to get a few shots and after about 15 seconds of the worst cry I have ever heard from you, you were just fine. The best moment of the past month was when you finally smiled back at me! You have done it quite a few times since then, but for some reason, you still won't smile back at dad. We are working hard to get one out of you, but by the end of the day when he comes home, you are usually pretty stubborn. You have also started "talking," you will coo and ahh alot. You love your playmat so oftentimes I will just lay you on that and let you talk to the farm animals. It is so cute! You also like to look at lights or look out the windows.
Your sleep habits have improved dramatically since the first month. The longest stretch you have gone is 7 hours, which by baby standards is considered sleeping through the night. Most nights though, you have a good 5-6 hour stretch, then wake up to nurse and go back down for another 2 hours. During the day however, you still love to nurse every 2 hours. I started putting you on a schedule at 6 weeks and it has worked great for both of us. We "eat, play, sleep" every 2 hours during the day. It's nice to know the next time I will get a break (when you sleep) and nice to know that when you start to get cranky, it's because you are either tired or hungry, whichever comes next in the schedule. Hopefully we can lengthen the time between feedings next month because every 2 hours (from the beginning of the feeding) still does not leave me much time!
Dear Henry: You are cute as a button! I wish I could give you a hug from afar but maybe your Mom will have to give you an extra for me virtually! Keep doing fun things and posting them to the blog - I like to keep tabs on you and see how you are growing!