Dear Bun,
The biggest milestone this week is that we are heading into the second trimester! You are about the size of a peach now and are developing vocal chords and teeth. Your head is starting to become much more proportinate with the size of your body now, it is now about a third of your body size. Last week, I got to hear your heartrate on a doppler at the doctor's office. It was very exciting, but I can't wait to get another peek at you in a few weeks for our next ultrasound.
I am still feeling great and starting to get back some of my energy- at least I have not needed any naps this past weekend which is a first! I still don't have any wierd cravings that you hear about although I do drink chocolate milk everyday. Lately, I have not been into meat at all- in fact I have been obsessed with fuji apples and sharp cheddar cheese. We had that for dinner everynight last week. I know it's not much of a dinner, but I eat about 5-6 small meals during the day, so I think we're doing fine. So far, I have gained 4 lbs. The big project for next weekend is going to be clearing out my closet of all my clothes that will not fit me the next few months and making room for some maternity clothes. I am doing fine by using the bella band on my everyday pants now, but I have a feeling that one day I will just pop and need clothes immediately. We found out that one of our friends is due with a little one on April 2, and another one a few weeks later, so we will have some lunch buddies while I am on maternity leave.
Here I am at 13 1/2 weeks:
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