This week, you are the size of a blueberry. Your brain is hard at work developing both hemispheres and is generating 100 new cells per minute. Your hands and feet are emerging from developing arms and legs. Right now, you are still considered and embryo and have a little tail that will disappear soon. In about a week and half, we get to take a peek at you during our first ultrasound. I cannot wait! We decided that after that appointment, we would tell our immediate family, and then tell our friends a few weeks later.
As for me, I am feeling super tired. It's hard work growing you kid. On Friday night, I slept for 11 hours and still took an afternoon nap! I am also going to the bathroom all the time- apparently that's because of a few things: HCG (pregnancy hormone) increases blood and urine flow, and my more efficient kidneys get rid of waste quicker since I'm now peeing for two. Also the uterus is pressing against my bladder which always makes me feel like I have to pee. The other symptom I have is nausea. I have not actually gotten sick yet, but I have very strong food aversions and always feel a little sick after I eat. Right now, the 2 things that make me want to throw up are eggs and black beans. I started wearing Seabands sometimes when the nausea gets bad and they seem to help. They look really stylish too so I usually end up wearing a light sweater or something so no one sees my sweat bands. Your dad jokes that I should tell people I just sweat alot but I don't think that would work so well. Hopefully it will be better in a few weeks, and I'm pretty sure your going to be worth it. This week and next week, I'm going to be flying with you and really hoping I don't get sick on the plane. I will be wearing my Seabands for sure no matter how many looks I get.
Here I am at 7 weeks:

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