Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 28

Dear Bun,

We have officially made it to the third trimester, and are now seven months along!  You should weigh around 2 1/4 lbs and could be as long as 16 inches now.  You are mastering all sorts of activities including: blinking, coughing, sucking, hiccupping, and taking practice breaths.  You have also started dreaming and are now getting REM sleep.  I went to the doctor last week, and your heartbeat was a strong 150 bpm and you are measuring right on track.  I also had to get checked for gestational diabetes (they test everyone now) and we passed, woo hoo!  I celebrated later with a sweet treat of frozen yogurt for us :)

I am still doing well, although I had an episode of pregnancy hormonal emotions yesterday.  I cried during my pilates lesson.  Yes, it's embarassing now, but at the time I was so frustrated.  See, my body has been telling me all week I needed to slow down, and I have always had a hard time relaxing, so I have not been listening to my body like I should.  By the time Friday came, my back hurt so bad, but I still instisted on cleaning the bathroom and going to the gym on Saturday morning like always.  Then, I had a pilates session, and 5 minutes into the class, I made it through 20 reps of "The Hundred" and my back was piercing pain by that point.  My eyes started welling up and before I knew it, the owner was over me telling me to lay on my side and drink water.  I finished the class, with lots of modifications to the exercises, but after I came home, John would not let me do anything but sit on the couch with the heating pad.  I snuck a few breaks to clean and do laundry, but other than that, I sat all day. I am trying to not do as much, but it's been really challenging since I like to keep busy on the weekends. This was just proof that my body can't do as much as it used to be able to do because I have a much more important job to do now, like make room for you :) Oh and I got an email from my pilates instructor checking on me today, I guess I caused quite a scene over at the studio and everyone wanted to make sure I was alright.

So, other than my emotional outbreak, I am still doing well.  It seems like almost overnight, my belly got really hard and my belly button is so stretched now, I wonder if it will turn into an "outie" one of these days.  I registered us for our child birth classes and an infant CPR class and am starting to look for pediatricians too.  This is really happening fast it seems!

Love you,


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