Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week 29: Squash

Dear Bun,

This is the last week of the 20's, yikes!  You are around 2 1/2 lbs and just over 15 inches long.  This week, fat deposits are beginning to store underneath your skin, so you should be at an all time high for energy levels.  I believe it too!  When I was at the doctor last week, they told me to start counting your kicks every day or so to make sure you are active.  I am supposed to feel you move 10 times per hour, and if not, I'm supposed to eat or drink something to see if I can get you moving.  Ok, so I sat down to read and I felt 10 movements within 15 minutes!  I used to just feel you in one spot, but now I am starting to feel jabs on the left and right side at the same time, so I think you are kicking and punching together.  Your bones are also soaking up alot of calcuim now, which explains my milk consumption lately.  I go through a gallon in about 3-4 days- that's with just me drinking it too!  Usually a gallon will last both of us at least a week, but not these days.  

I started having lower pack pains on my left side late last week, so I decided to go to the doctor.  Apparently, it's just my SI joint loosening, which is what it's supposed to do in preparation for labor.  The doctor said that the only cure was delivery, but I told my pilates instructor about it, and she showed me some stretches I could do for it, and it helped alot.  It's not totally better, but at least I can walk without a limp now, and can do most of my normal activities.  So, other than back pain, I seem to be doing pretty good.  Every week, it seems like I notice something I can't do anymore though.  Like today, I was trying to paint my toenails, and that was almost impossible.  Tying my shoes is also challenging now.   Something tells me you'll be worth it all though.


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