Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 31

Dear Bun,

This week you are up to around 3.3 lbs and could be as long as 18 inches- you are quickly approaching your birth length but will still pack on some pounds over the next few weeks.  This week, you can now turn your head from side to side, and you have fat accumulating on your arms, legs, and body.  I feel like I write this every week, but you are still so active!  I gave up on doing kick counts because it would be easier for me to count when you are not moving! 

I went to the doctor last week for a checkup and they say we are doing great, and that all your activity is a sign of a healthy baby, so I'll gladly take the jabs in the stomach.  While I was at the doctor, the nurse was checking your heartbeat like always and we noticed that my stomach kept moving up and down.  She said you had the hiccups and it was funny to see them from the outside!  After that, I started watching my stomach in the evenings, and sure enough, I can usually see where you are based on where my stomach is poking out.  I can seen you kicking and punching from the outside now! 

Last week, we also finalized your daycare.  Daycare has been hard to find, but I talked to someone at the gym that told me about a smaller center close by that is like a neighborhood secret since they don't advertise- they like to be found by word of mouth.  So, of course I visited the center, met the 2 directors, and I really like it!  It is smaller than some of the other places we looked, but I like that.  They only take a max of 5 infants at one time (only have 3 now) so you will get to know your teachers better and hopefully less kids= less germs so you won't get sick as much. They are also really flexible, have a good curriculum, and are a church center.  I will take you over there several times during my maternity leave so you can get used to Miss Vicky and Miss Tammy, and both of us will feel more comfortable when I have to leave you there full time. 

Here we are at 31 weeks! I think I have had a growth spurt the past 2-3 weeks because my stomach seems so big now!  I noticed the other day that I can no longer see my feet when I stand up.  So far, I have gained 25 lbs, which my doctors seem pleased with and think is "on-track" given my pre-pregnancy size.  I have noticed that lately, I have to eat smaller, more frequent meals because my stomach can't expand to the size it used to!  I get full very quickly, but I have to eat frequently to keep you happy, so that's been an adjustment :)

Here is the 31 week bump picture:


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