Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week 39

Dear Bun,

This will be my last weekly update before you arrive.  We found out at my last doctor's appointment that you are in fact sitting Indian style, head up, feet crossed- or as the ultrasound tech called it "criss-cross applesauce"- I guess you are not supposed to say "Indian style" anymore.  It is against my doctor's policy to try and deliver a breech baby naturally because of the risks, and we were not willing try it either.  There are a few procedures we could have tried to flip you, but I was against trying to flip you at all- I believe you are in this position for a reason and you were head down until the very end, so the doctor was not optimistic that they would have worked anyway since you are now full term.  We are scheduled for a c-section on Wednesday, the 30th, how does a 3-30-11 birthday sound?  I am nervous for the surgery, but if I am going to have a c-section, I am much happier knowing about it in advance.  Maybe you were trying to do your schedule/planning obsessed mama a favor by sitting upright?  Either way, we can't wait to meet you, and at the end of it all, it does not matter how you get here, all that matters is that we have a healthy baby to take home.

Here is the 39 week bump pic:



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