Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Big Announcement!

So, on July 27th, we found out we are going to be parents!  Right now, I am about 13 1/2 weeks along and we have a due date of March 31, 2011.  Since I try to document our lives as much as possible to help preseve memories, I decided to use this blog as the channel for my pregnancy journal.  This will also help keep our family updated on what's going on and will allow me to share pictures with everyone.  Hopefully, once we have our bundle in March (or April) I will be able to publish this as a gift for the baby. 

I have been keeping weekly updates since week 6 and will publish those right after this.  I usually update them on Sunday's so next Sunday will be week 14 and I will be all caught up and in "real time" - everything I wrote up until this point has been hidden since we did not tell people right away. 

Here are some questions I have been asked, and maybe some that you have been wondering too:

Was it planned? We decided to start trying in July (mom, you can thank John, I wanted to wait another year or so) and got pregnant the first month.  So, while we knew it was possible to get pregnant, we figured we would have at least a few months before it happened. Wrong.  This is one of the reasons we did not tell people right away, we wanted to get used to the idea ourselves before sharing it with family.  Of course we are excited for this wonderful blessing, it just happened a little quicker than we thought!

How did you tell John? I always knew I wanted to do something a little more creative than just show him the pregnancy test, so I thought I should enlist the help of our first "baby."  I decided to make her a shirt so that she could tell him the news. 

I called John upstairs because I had to show him something.  Morgan and I were at the top of the stairs, and I had the pregnancy test, the flip, and was holding her.  Anyway, he came up and read her shirt and his response was "so we're getting another dog?" Um, not exactly John.  It still took him a minute and then I showed him this and I think he finally got it:

Of course, I made us get a family picture right afterwords:

Are you going to find out the sex? Absolutely, I don't like surprises.  Plus I want to start shopping.

What sex would you prefer? Of course we want a healthy baby above everything else, but yeah we have a preference, and it's not the same gender, so one of us will get what we want :)

Do you have names picked out? I have tons, but I love baby names- I have been obsessed with finding the perfect names for babies and it all started with my dolls- so I have been naming my babies for about 20 years now, ha!  I always have a rotating mental list of potential baby names- this will be a post of it's own once we find out the gender- but it will be a timeless classic name, that's not too popular or trendy.

How are you feeling?  This is actually the first question people ask me, and so far, I have no complaints at all- I was very tired the first few weeks, got nauseous once or twice when I smelled something, but never got sick or experienced morning sickness. So far, so good! 

What are you craving? I wish I had a crazy answer here like you always hear about- women wanting pickles and ice cream or something, but I haven't had any real cravings I don't think.  I do drink chocolate milk every day and all meat sounds bad to me.  I have been living off of cheese, fruit, and nuts.  I also want to eat sweets more than I usually do.  So maybe instead of cravings, I have just had aversions.

How are you decorating the nursery?  Once we find out the gender, I will be all over this.  So far, I have just been collecting images of nurseries for inspiration, but I don't have anything set.  It will not be gender neutral- if it's a girl, it will be girlie (not pink) and if it's a boy it will be boyish. 

When are you due? March 31, 2011 although my mom was 2 wks late with both me and my sis, so I expect to be late.

Ok, I think that's most of the questions I have gotten, I'll keep updating weekly with the progress.  Please pray for a healthy baby and pregnancy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Jen, this is precious! I can't wait to meet Bun!!!!!
