Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 10: Prune

Dear Bun,

This week you are about the size of a prune.  The most critical portion of development is now complete and you are now developing bones and cartilidge.  Your vital organs (kidneys, brain, liver and intestines) are all in place and starting to function now!  Tiny little nails are forming on your nail beds and your fingers and toes are no longer webbed.  I told you last week that we told our family about you, but you are still our little secret to our friends.  We cannot wait to tell them about you.  Yesterday, we went to a birthday party for one of our friends and there were so many kids and babies there!  You will have lots of friends waiting to meet you in the Spring! 

Here I am at 10 weeks along:

So far, I have gained 3 lbs and I can tell that my waist is getting thicker and disappearing.  Some of my pants are already getting tight and it won't be long before I have to do some shopping for myself!  I am still feeling great- tired and hungry are my main issues.  Oh and my veins are now huge and dark and starting to show more through my skin.  I am already carrying lots of extra blood for the both of us and I read that the now visible veins are normal- just helping to nourish you! The biggest milestone this week is that we are 1/4 of the way through this pregnancy! It seems crazy I have made it into the double digits of weeks and just a few more weeks and will be done with the whole first trimester.



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